Thursday, March 24, 2016

Solutions in Writing

Is teaching writing a challenge for you?  In today's classroom, writing should be a large part of everyday.  Therefore, as teachers, we must improve our skills as writing teachers.  What are some problems you have teaching writing in the classroom?  

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Sites You Can't Live Without

Have you found online resources you couldn't live without?  Please, use this as a place to share your information with us.  

Student Bloggers in the Classroom

Research supports utilizing students' interest as topics for their writing.  I have used blogging for several years in my own classroom.  Recently, I've read an article in The Reading Teacher called Conversations With Leaders: Principles of Effective Writing Instruction.  While reading this article, it occurred to me that a better way to use blogging is to allow each student to manage their own blog, writing about topics that interest them.  I can imagine blogs on Minecraft, Sports, Books, and all sorts of topics! Next year I want to do this.  I would like each student to write for their own blog, choosing topics in which they are interested.  Has anyone used blogging in this way?  If so, how did you set it up and manage it?